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Question prompt…..

What is one word that describes you?

Gullible (ADJECTIVE)

If you describe someone as gullible, you mean they are easily tricked because they are too trusting.

This is most definitely me, and those that know me well will confirm this to be the case. I am far too soft with people, and I get used easily, then I end up broken and having to pick up the pieces and glue them all back together. However, my friends will also tell you that I let you get away with it once, I may even let you get away with it twice – HOWEVER – on the third time, run for your life as I will end up exploding and that ain’t pretty!

What word would you use to describe your self?

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Lots of love

Children · Disability · Disabled blogger · Family · Family blog · Health · medical · Mental Health · Mobility · Prompts · Questions · Quote · Travel · Uncategorized · Wheelchair

Question of the day……

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?

Hmmmm, while I love travelling in cars as you can stop when you want Etc, there is something to be said about travelling on a train – it’s much more relaxed not having to worry about roadworks, traffic jams, parking spaces and parking fees, and it’s quicker – the only downside is I have to face the direction of travel or I get horrific sickness!

I will be trying out travelling on a train with my new wheelchair. The current chair is an absolute no go! I took it to London and getting on and off tube trains was beyond impossible, Dan had to literally haul me on and off physically as otherwise I fell down the gap – it brought a whole new meaning to the announcement “mind the gap”

Disabled blogger

Weight loss the journey!

So, you may/may not be aware that I have been trying to loose weight since before Christmas, and to be fair, it went really well for the first 1st 11lb, then I hit a wall. I have not lost weight for at least 6 weeks, I have tried and tried but I just couldn’t get over the road hump.

I weighed in today and I had lost……

2 1/2 lb

taking me to 1st 13.5 lb, meaning I have 1/2lb to go for my 2 stone award. I am hoping to tip the scales next week (a 2lb loss would be nice, but I’ll take 1lb) to tip me into my new “to loose” bracket!

Keep your fingers crossed for me, I need it!

Please like and share my blog if you can!

Lots of love xxx

Mwah 😘😘